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Between January and June 2021 only one project was completed, meaning that the total stock exceeded 590,000 sq m. Another 205,000 sq m remains under construction, of which the biggest projects are set to be delivered in 2022. Developer activity remains strong, with such a large volume of supply under construction in Katowice not having been previously recorded.

Despite a slight slowdown in demand in Q1 2021, the following three months brought a revival – three of the ten largest lease agreements signed in regional cities in Q2 2021 were concluded in Katowice. In Q2 2021 alone, almost 35,000 sq m was subject to lease – some seven times higher than in the previous quarter. In terms of take-up in H1 2021, there was a 50% increase compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

At the end of June 2021, the vacancy rate stood at 9.2%, i.e. 0.1 pp. lower than in Q1 2021 and 3.2 pp. higher compared to the previous year.

If you want to know more about Katowice, please have a look at the full report: https://reports.knightfrank.com.pl/strongcities_h12021